Sunday, February 18, 2007

Newbie Blogger Here

and I started this blog for folks who are trying to start a new life, that have made mistakes in their past. I hope that my experiences with living with someone who has committed a crime, paid for his mistakes, and still have to deal with the consequences of people who will not let the past go. My fiance committed a crime 25 years ago. If I can help anyone, in any way, just by sharing my experiences of dealing with the wrath of people, I would love to. Please feel free to share your experiences with me. I know how frustrating it can be, dealing with people's preconceived ideas.

1 comment:

another innocent victim said...

I have recently become aware of just how our criminal INjustice system is able to exploit those who are still in the system. I have agreed to be a release sponsor for a friend who was falsely accused of rape (no evidence--charges were filed 6 months after the alleged incident) by his ex wife in a ploy for custody for a divorce he had no idea she was planning. He falls under the backdated laws and even though his plea bargain indicated he would not have to register or attend the joke they call sex offender treatment program, they made it mandatory that he attend. He is having problems keeping what jobs he can find because of the scheduling (or should I say lack of scheduling--show up now) the parole department madates--then they can violate him for losing a job. The system sets them up to fail and it must be stopped. Many of them are just accused and there is no evidence. How can they do this? These management programs do not allow him to go to church. He is afraid for our fingers to touch if we are cutting vegetables at the kitchen counter for fear he will have to disclose he touched me. How ridiculous. What can we as a group do to stop this on a national level? I realize the label is a negative, but most of them are really nice guys and would not reoffend--the few who would make it harder on the rest of them